Frequently Asked Questions

Orders and Shipping

What is your shipping policy?

*Ready to ship items will ship within 48 hours of order placed.

*Preorder items will ship immediately upon arrival.

*If both preorder and ready to ship items are ordered together, they will ship together once preorder items arrive.

*Business days are Mon-Fri and do not include weekends or holidays. Orders may still be processed on non business days but are not required.

What payment methods do you accept?

*All major credit cards

*Apple Pay

*Google Pay

*Paypal & Venmo

When will my items be delivered?

*1st Class Packages arrive in 1-5 business days

*Priority Mail arrives in 1-3 business days

Return Policy

What's your return policy?

*All sales are final.

*We do not accept returns or exchanges.

*The Bubblegum Press is not responsible for user error.


*Please inspect package upon arrival within 48 hours and contact us immediately if there is any damage to contents or if anything is missing. We will do our best to come to an agreeable solution.

Can I make changes to or cancel my order?

*Once your order has been fulfilled it cannot not be changed.

*If you would like to change your order please send an email to

Do you do exchanges?

*We do not accept changes

Common Questions

Do you ship internationally?

*Yes, we ship world wide.

*Recipients of orders shipped outside of the United States will be responsible for any and all cost associated with import taxes, customs duties, or fees levied by the destination country.

*If you decline to pay these duties and taxes due to the carrier upon delivery of your order, the packages may be considered abandoned, destroyed, or returned to the United States.

*We will not consider requests for refunds or replacement shipments.

Where can I send Compliments or concerns to?

*We would love to hear your feedback.

*Email us at